Directeur – Accueil et vente
Trained as a transport engineer, Quentin Pellaux worked for several years in the planning of transport infrastructures, in particular those dedicated to soft mobility. Convinced that cycling is healthy for the body, the mind and the environment, he is keen to offer tourists the best of his region and promote cycling in a fun and sporty way. As the father of two young children, he has developed a range of activities adapted to a family clientele looking for fun, sustainable and financially attractive experiences.
Mécanicien – Responsable d’atelier
Mécanicien sur vélo depuis plusieurs années, Noé Thiébaud est qualifié et outillé pour entretenir et réparer tous les petits problèmes de votre vélo ! Il contribue également au développement des nouvelles offres de l’entreprise, en mettant à profit ses compétences en gestion de projet et ses contacts dans la région. Cycliste sportif, fin connaisseur de la région, il est également prêt à vous faire découvrir forêts et singles inédits.
Chef de projet – Responsable groupes
Ingénieur en environnement de formation, Jules Vulliamoz a rejoint bikesLab au début 2024. Il est notre « couteau suisse ». En plus de porter la responsabilité du développement de quelques uns de nos projets, il appuye ponctuellement notre mécanicien et assure une partie de la logistique inhérente à nos activités. Cycliste sportif et voyageur, habitant de la région depuis plus de 20 ans, il saura vous conseiller le meilleur itinéraire et le matériel le plus adapté pour partir à la découverte de la région à vélo !

By offering new and original cycling activities, bikesLab aims to promote cycle tourism in the Nord-Vaudois region, along Lake Neuchâtel, in the Plaine de l'Orbe and on the balcony of the Jura Vaudois.
Involving as many local players as possible, connoisseurs and defenders of our beautiful region, bikesLab aims to offer a comprehensive and diversified cycling tourism experience, adapted to all levels and desires.
bikesLab also manages a fleet of electric and non-electric rental bikes, for those who don't have their own bikes! These rentals are grouped together at three sites, in Yverdon-les-Bains (Bike Hôtel de la Prairie and Camping Yverdon-Plage) and at the VD8 campsite on the way to Yvonand.
In partnership with local players in our or your area, we organize activities and events to promote cycling of all kinds, with a focus on "discovery" and "initiation".
Whether it's a mechanics course, a sporting and/or recreational outing on a bike, or a driving course, we're at your disposal in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.
We're convinced that developing the modal share of cycling means first and foremost getting potential users "in the saddle", through fun, recreational and varied activities.

In parallel with its rental activities, bikesLab has a mechanics workshop and the logistical skills/means to manage (supply, maintenance, transport) fleets of bicycles, whether public, self-service or private.
Subject to availability, we can also offer temporary or long-term rental of a fleet of large muscle and/or electric bicycles. We also collaborate with other rental companies for large groups.
Using bicycles to transport your volunteers, or to carry out a pilot phase within your company/association, is interesting for several reasons. bikesLab is happy to consider any form of collaboration that could be beneficial to both parties, as well as to the planet!
Don't hesitate to contact us - without obligation, of course.
Promoting sustainable mobility in your company, neighborhood or community is not always easy. The actions required to achieve this are numerous and differ according to each individual's situation. For companies, managing the "mobility budget" is a daily challenge, which takes time and requires regular monitoring. For local authorities, taking into account the behavior and desires of their residents is a complex task.
We collaborate with specialized companies equipped with modern tools to offer targeted services and actions that meet your entity's needs, always with the aim of encouraging the use of bicycles and multimodal mobility to ensure controlled, more environmentally-friendly travel.
We'd be delighted to meet you for the first time, without obligation, to discuss your issues and help you find the right approach to achieve your mobility goals.